my first sweet daughter have an exam this week, i am not really sure what kind of exam she has, maybe something like midterm exam since this month is almost at the middle of this year..even though we are going abroad, i feel like its my duty to make sure that she will get a good result on this exam, no matter what..the most weakest subject is maths and english..it such a fight to make her focus on her study last weekend, and of course i scolded her a lot at that time..hiiissshhhh..what to dooo..anyway pray to Allah for the best, the most important thing is that we have try our 'best' to study with her and show her that we care about her education..
well today she has BM and Maths exams, tomorrow, English and Science, followed by PI and Arabic, and on the last day Arts and ...emmh forgot laa..
the teachers at SKRaja Muda seems to do their jobs very well, organised all the subjects according to the toughness and couple it with the consider as not-as-tough-as the tough subject : like BM with Math, English with Science..etc
Insya Allah, Ya Allah please help my daughter with her examination , show her the way, give her a bright mind to answer all the exam questions, especially today, MATH' EXAMSS..amin
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