Friday, May 1, 2009


this is the keyword for one of the proposed phd study of mine...this one was suggested by Dr takeyuki Kobayashi from DCU, Ireland..right now i still have to wait for the offer..hopefully i will get one..!!hehe quite nervous when thinking of it..anyway at least i already have one back up plan, sorry to say that but the field not that attracted to me..but i still need to consider it as other offer is not coming the way yet..don't be to confident and greedy GRATEFULL!!..Alhamdulillah...

so..about this microresonator thing. i feel glad cause last night i got a chance to surf for this topic and i found something that really triggered me into this thing..what i can say now is that it is so much related to the optical and memory storage industries maybe..and one of the article wrote about this microresonator which had been use in MEMs..frankly speaking..i am still quite blurr about this but i have to dig, dig,dig more and try to digest all that before i can start my phd study..Ya Allah elp me in this , give me your guidance and strength and please make my phd journey as easy as possible..Aminn

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