Alhamdulillah, today i got some new infos about stimulated emission which strongly related to my proposed research , the relation wth microresonator and also quantum electrodynamic.
QED is about the interaction between light and matter, to be specific, the effect of photons, electrons and protons with matter, and the stimulated emission is about the emission of photon which have multplied its emission with the help of resonator which will reflect the photon/wave in the cavity. As a result it will multiply the photon particles......and also with the transmission mirror will transmits the photons as a output...
emmhh well not convincing enough, i guess........!! have to 'digg' moree....keep it upp tie..
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
countdown present proposal
my feeling right now are..afraid, still confuse, still blurr (oh no!! panicc!!), tired of readingg, fed-up, sleepy, very downn :-(.......
already go thru the journals 4-5 times each..the outcome is not encouraging at all...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
fiya sukan - acara trek 50 m x 4
fiya berjaya dipilih oleh gurunya mewakili rumah biru untuk acara lari 50m x 4..eeii cam tak caya je, mama excited wahh anak mama yg lemah gemalai ni hebat juga yee.. tapi lepas tu terbantut sebab sukan ni di buat pada hari selasa lepas, 26 mei..camno nak gi, hari kerja dah la mama terencat kena siapkan proposal nihh.
.so yg pegi abahnya la..thank you very much abang!! dapatlaah snap picass utk kenangan, bukan senangg nihh, mama dia ni pun tak pernah terlibat acara trek nihh..ingat dolu dolu cikgu ambe kata zurianti awak lari macam mana tu..??

so nila picass kakak fiya dalam acara trek....

cepaatt kakaakk lariii lariii..nih la kononnya skrip abahnya memberi sokongan morall pada puteri kesayangannya..end up..fiya telah berjaya menamatkan kan lariannya dan mendapat tempat ke................4,,okay la tieewww...
.so yg pegi abahnya la..thank you very much abang!! dapatlaah snap picass utk kenangan, bukan senangg nihh, mama dia ni pun tak pernah terlibat acara trek nihh..ingat dolu dolu cikgu ambe kata zurianti awak lari macam mana tu..??
presentation-proposal phd
balik dari BTN, happy sangat sebab berjaya menghadapi semua cabaran dengan baik even jungle tracking dia yg selama 1 jam setengah di dalam hutan pekat itu pun berjaya di tempuh..Alhamdulillah..
balik aje BTN masuk ofis keesokan harinya..officemate, kaktini cakap next week kena present proposal phd ke fakulti..makk ooiii terkejut katak ambee..hehehe..ingatkan pertengahan jun ke..kecut perut pun ada, mana satu nak buat yg electrochromic tu cam tak jadi je, yg microresonator lah kot..clear sket tapi ..eiii sungguh mencabar minda..geng lain senang je sebab boleh jumpa s/v daily, ambe nihh, setakat email, diorg bagila satu page "..this is the proposed research project..hope will help you in writing your proposal.." haa pandai pandai ambe la nak ngeditnya, nambahnya supaya dapat proposal phd cam yg diformatkan oleh fakulti ambe ini..
jadi tak ada kerje lain la ambe starting dari selasa lepas, journal,journal, baca-baca, journal, journall, baca-baca.......pening,pening, PENINNNN...
balik aje BTN masuk ofis keesokan harinya..officemate, kaktini cakap next week kena present proposal phd ke fakulti..makk ooiii terkejut katak ambee..hehehe..ingatkan pertengahan jun ke..kecut perut pun ada, mana satu nak buat yg electrochromic tu cam tak jadi je, yg microresonator lah kot..clear sket tapi ..eiii sungguh mencabar minda..geng lain senang je sebab boleh jumpa s/v daily, ambe nihh, setakat email, diorg bagila satu page "..this is the proposed research project..hope will help you in writing your proposal.." haa pandai pandai ambe la nak ngeditnya, nambahnya supaya dapat proposal phd cam yg diformatkan oleh fakulti ambe ini..
jadi tak ada kerje lain la ambe starting dari selasa lepas, journal,journal, baca-baca, journal, journall, baca-baca.......pening,pening, PENINNNN...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
birthday muhammad-2 (updated with pics)
bukan celebrate besar pun , beli kek tiup je kat rumah sambil di hadap oleh kakak-kakaknya yg 2 org tapi 'hevoc'nya cam 20 org itu..
tengokla tu tak sempat muhammad nak tiup, cik kak berdua nihh dah menyembur-nyembur lilin tu, hish tak kuasa, 'tercemar ooo tempiass'..muhammad control macho je, dah biasa dengan cik kak-cik kaknya yg memang 'over acting' sket..
so kalau ada birthday mesti kena beli hadiah, kek ni mama yg hadiahkan..emm sedapp..muhammad suka sangat makan kek nih alhamdulillah banyak dia makan, siap potongkan lagi..................
kita org ke Giant seksyen 13 shah alam, my 'bf' kata beli hadiah kat situ...hadiah apa?? jeng-jeng-jeng.....wahh tengok tu lentuk hero ambe inihh melihat rangkaian baju-baju Be
ini dia!!! dengan penuh rasa bangga+suka+manja+macho dia menayangkan baju yg dipilihnya dan baju yg lama??..mamanya kena eh tetapi apa yg sedang berlaku nampaknya seperti ada sesuatu berlaku di sana......mari kita lihat.............
rupa-rupanya, kakak-kakaknya pun turut tergoda dgn himpunan baju-baju princess dan tanpa rasa bersalah terus membelek dan 'bf' dah garu kepala...
lastly,end up sume beli dapat sorang satu...jadi kesimpulannya,
BTN Ulu Sepri (US2125) - 1 (kuiz)
Yeeeehhhaaaaaa dah habis BTN, Alhamdulillah, berjaya juge ambe menghabiskan nya dan balik 'in one piece', takada hilang ape-ape, anggota badan sume cukup, hati minda sume selamat buat antara soalan-soalan kuiz yg perlu di jawab:-
- satu perkataan untuk describe this BTN course..(1 word cam tak cukup je..)
- kirakan berapakah pengalaman manis anda:-
- satu pengalaman paling manis anda adalah:-
- kirakan berapakah pengalaman pahit anda:-
- satu pengalaman paling pahit anda adalah:-
- siapakah member paling kamcing/rapat dengan anda di sana?
- siapakah yang paling anda suka/admire semasa di sana?
- siapakah yang anda paling tak suka/menyampah di sana?..(hehe ni cam nak sabotaj orang je nihh)
- apakah pengajaran yang anda perolehi sepanjang menghadiri kursus ini:-
- apakah yg anda telah 'tinggalkan' di sana?
- apakah langkah anda seterusnya selepas kursus ini?
- apakah anda setuju untuk menghadiri kursus ini lagi jika di panggil?
- apakah kata-kata nasihat/hikmah/tips anda untuk mereka yg BAKAL/AKAN menghadiri kursus ini kelak?
ini adalah antara soalan-soalan yg perlu dijawab oleh mereka yg telah menghadiri btn, kalau ada yg tersinggah tu sila jawab la yee, jgn segan dan malu..
ambe akan menjawab soalan ini sebentar lagi..tungguuuuu.................
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
selamat hari ibu- Ummi dan Mok

khas untuk Mi - PUAN ZAINAH BT LONG (ummi- dipendekkan jadi Mi) dan Mok - PUAN MAIMUNAH BT CHE NGAH (emak - bahasa org luor, org tganu panggil emok hehe) ,2 orang wanita yg paling istimewa dan yang paling Tie sayang sekali dalam dunia.
hikhik sedih campur syahdu pulak rase, tapi ni betul ikhlas dari hati ni tak ada plastik punya..hehehe..
dapat gambar ni time tunggu 'bf' datang, mana tak ada kabo berita pulak ..balik awal sket ni nak gi cari kek dan hadiah untuk muhammad ..lapaaarrr pun ada..
Kursus BTN 21 Mei - 25 Mei 2009
maka esok berangkat la ambe dan 2 orang staf uitm lagi ke ulu sepri nogori 9 dengan kereta uitm(tqvm to judith of her effort manage to get the uitm car, kalu nak drive sendiri mauu nyerr ehh cam tak caye kat kebolehan sendiri lak nih) untuk mengikuti kursus BTN eh? ke org panggil kem BTN,..mana lak pegi surat panggilan nih..ihihih tak apa la yg penting BTN di situ, 5 hari ye tuan tuan dan cik puan yg budiman meng'free'kan diri dari family dan kerja ofis dan membuka minda utk menerima input-input dari mereka2 yg ditugaskan membasuh minda-minda basi dan berkerakk kami kami ini agar menjadi lebih berkilat dan jernih kembali sebelum terbang ke oversea memerah otak...
as a result, otak yg telah di basuh akan menjadi lebih bersih ibarat kain putih yg akan bersedia utk menerima input2 yg terdiri dari ilmu2 baru, konsep2 yg belum pernah di jumpa, classmates and lab mates baru, neighbours baru,supervisor yg bukan lagi berkulit sawomatang cam org kita (off course, isk cam seramm je nih),dugaan2 di tempat org, culture, foods, environment,attitudes, systems and etc..
as a conclusion, BTN is the place for you to become fresh and open minded and is a symbolic event to tell you that your real journey in this what so called as long and lonely journey will begin very very bewaarreee..
cewahh heheh, buat suspend je,sebenonya sebab nak set mind sendiri, ikut kan hati haih tak kuasa melayan BTN ke apa ke, tapi tulahh,lepas tulis post di atas rasa mind dah clear sket and now i am ready to be brain-washed..(!!????)
i will update everythingg about the camp ooppss, about the BTN course here
as a result, otak yg telah di basuh akan menjadi lebih bersih ibarat kain putih yg akan bersedia utk menerima input2 yg terdiri dari ilmu2 baru, konsep2 yg belum pernah di jumpa, classmates and lab mates baru, neighbours baru,supervisor yg bukan lagi berkulit sawomatang cam org kita (off course, isk cam seramm je nih),dugaan2 di tempat org, culture, foods, environment,attitudes, systems and etc..
as a conclusion, BTN is the place for you to become fresh and open minded and is a symbolic event to tell you that your real journey in this what so called as long and lonely journey will begin very very bewaarreee..
cewahh heheh, buat suspend je,sebenonya sebab nak set mind sendiri, ikut kan hati haih tak kuasa melayan BTN ke apa ke, tapi tulahh,lepas tulis post di atas rasa mind dah clear sket and now i am ready to be brain-washed..(!!????)
i will update everythingg about the camp ooppss, about the BTN course here
happy birthday muhammad!!!!
wahh hari ni birthday anak ambe yg boy seorang nihh, muhammad, selamat hari lahir ke 3 sayang mamaaa,..semoga menjadi anak yg soleh, berjaya di dunia dan akhirat dan sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan dan rahmat Allah sentiasa sehingga ke akhir hayatmu anakku.mama tak tau lagi nak beli apa, abah dah plan beli baju ben-10 or power ranger or ultraman or..yg sewaktu dengan nya, mama beli kek je laa heheh aci dok??gambar sebelahnih masa setahun, nanti kita upp kan ke 3 tahun kena beli camera dulu...
esok mama gi BTN 5 hari camne ni ..belum gi dah rasa semacam, bukan biasa pisah pisah dgn family nihh..5 hari like 5 tahun..hek zuup..ngade ngade punya statement tu abaikan je, nak sambung phd kena kuat semangat dugaan sket sket dah nak leleh, takda maknanyerr..gate nok gi oversea lak tu..hah redahh je laa
apahal pun, muhammad ambe dah 3 tahun, makin handsome, makin banyak mulut makin 'dewasa',makin mencabar ketahanan emosi dan yg sewaktu dgnnya..mama harap mama cukup umur nak tengok muhammad membesar menjadi manusia berguna dan moga-moga ALlah panjangkan umur abah dan mama untuk melihat muhammad berjaya dan membina family sendiri di masa depan, Insya Allah..aammiiinn
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
mission accomplished for today
i manage to start writing my proposal today, the intro actually , huree, i hope the momentum will keep going before i am heading to BTN course this thursday..introduction part first, sstill a lot to cover but its okay just take it slowly.this one is in microresonator, i hope this is the one ..JpBSM please pass me thru!! huhuhu..suspend situation right now whether i will got the budget to DCu or not..ngeng ngeng.. suspend's music
Monday, May 18, 2009
sign dean
settle sign dean, just now its time to face JpBSM, anything, i have to be emotionally and mentally prepared.
time to focus
what is the best time to concentrate at the office? i really don't know, cause sometime when i feel like this is the best time to focus but my beloved roommates think at that same time they prefer to chit-chat among themselves or with the 'visitors'..well as a good roommate i have to always prepare my mind and my heart in this case..since i am working in the sharing environment so want it or not, eventhough without my intention, i have to share everything, .. all the laughter, gossiping, whisperring, ..blabla bla..i also have to respect their human right, they have the right to be happy, to share stories about others, to share feelings, anything that can be shared..
until now i still manage to handle their 'happy' time by thinking of it on the bright side..that i will be feeling more alone without all the "happy noises", and that, of course i will miss all this if i am alone, that maybe i am doing the same thing to them sometimes. Actually they are really making colours to my life at work, so smile and just hold on until the situation become peace again to focuss....and make sure at that time i must focus, cause that "happy noisy" time will come again...very soon, Hahahahahaha...
until now i still manage to handle their 'happy' time by thinking of it on the bright side..that i will be feeling more alone without all the "happy noises", and that, of course i will miss all this if i am alone, that maybe i am doing the same thing to them sometimes. Actually they are really making colours to my life at work, so smile and just hold on until the situation become peace again to focuss....and make sure at that time i must focus, cause that "happy noisy" time will come again...very soon, Hahahahahaha...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
hari ni ambe overtime lagi cam semalam, melangut kat ofis sambil membelek-belek journal, dah tak tau dah samada ambe boring tengok journal atau journal boring tengok ambe..konon belek-belek tu ingat ke dapat ilham laa, ingatnya..tapi bila ditenung tenung..apa sebenarnya yg dah di kaji...jawapannya ENTahlaa..tak ada yg relevant langsung, setakat yg telah di kaji tu laa tapi mungkin ambe yg silap pandang, kekadang journal ni mau 10-20 kali round baca baru nampak point nya, harap harap camtu la..
so hari ni ambe datang lagi ofis, sebelum buat apa- apa baik ambe rekodkan dulu journey ambe 2 hari ni, harap harap ada sesuatu menjelma hari ni,
so keputusan yg di buat ialah cuba lagi hari ni dengan lebih fokus, semalam tak cukup fokus kot, blurr je ..Insya Allah. Ni baru sikit ni tak mula pun lagi baru cam usha usha je..janganlah hendaknya diri ambe ni gugup dan gundah gulana, tolongla bawak bertenang ye diri..kalau tidak camne nak fokus...
kayla, nak start fokus ni..ada apa apa nanti ambe rekod lagi kat sini..
so hari ni ambe datang lagi ofis, sebelum buat apa- apa baik ambe rekodkan dulu journey ambe 2 hari ni, harap harap ada sesuatu menjelma hari ni,
so keputusan yg di buat ialah cuba lagi hari ni dengan lebih fokus, semalam tak cukup fokus kot, blurr je ..Insya Allah. Ni baru sikit ni tak mula pun lagi baru cam usha usha je..janganlah hendaknya diri ambe ni gugup dan gundah gulana, tolongla bawak bertenang ye diri..kalau tidak camne nak fokus...
kayla, nak start fokus ni..ada apa apa nanti ambe rekod lagi kat sini..
Friday, May 15, 2009
journal oh journal
penatnyaee meneliti journal hari ni..microresonator..penghabisan keje hari ni, dapat la pelbagai journal tentang ni, tinggal lagi nak baca dengan lebih details,sempat ke ni next week nak gi BTN pulak.haii kepala rasa berat semacam nihh nak kena pekena kek coklat dulu nampaknya..heheheh.anyway dapat good news doh tadi kira okayla pembakar semangat, motivates me more on this early journey.
tak apala weekend ni rehat sehari , pulun journal sehari,then sambung next week..
tak apala weekend ni rehat sehari , pulun journal sehari,then sambung next week..
hari ni dapat email tertulis" Dear Zurianti, We have posted your documents on Tuesday so you should receive confirmation of an offer within the next few days.." ALhamdulillah Ya Allah hambe bersyukur pada Mu
yahhh, yihaaa akhirnya dapat juga offer DCU, hehehehe...hahahaha..sukaaa..tapii..zuuuppp
uni hambe ni nak bagi ke? tapi diorang kata selain UK, so hopefully dapatlaa.hari ni jumpa Dekan jap minta approvekan untuk pertukaran tempat..mesti kena bersedia dengan hujah-hujah dan alasan-alasan yg hambe rasa boleh digunakan nanti..Ya Allah bantula hambe Mu ini, amin
yahhh, yihaaa akhirnya dapat juga offer DCU, hehehehe...hahahaha..sukaaa..tapii..zuuuppp
uni hambe ni nak bagi ke? tapi diorang kata selain UK, so hopefully dapatlaa.hari ni jumpa Dekan jap minta approvekan untuk pertukaran tempat..mesti kena bersedia dengan hujah-hujah dan alasan-alasan yg hambe rasa boleh digunakan nanti..Ya Allah bantula hambe Mu ini, amin
Thursday, May 14, 2009
DCU - microresonator
got an email from my f s/v at DCU,saying that, i will be offered a place but he is not sure whether the graduate office will inform me via email or postal mail..i need to confirm this fast, its very urgent..well what i can do now is that to write a letter to the scholarship dep. with my dean's approval, apply to change the place of study, and state the DCU as my choice..once i 've been confirmed by the grad office of DCU, i will send this letter to them immediately..
hopefully i will get the place and the scholarship for this one..!!Insya Allah, ammiinn.
hopefully i will get the place and the scholarship for this one..!!Insya Allah, ammiinn.
chevrolet nabira - for sale

haii, dah agak lama juga kami iklan kan tentang chevy nabira for sale ni tapi tak ada respond yg baik, adala a few yg call but then habis cam tu je..kalau nak jual ke used car, rendah sangat diorang nak ambik , mau kena mark up kat bank berpuluh ribu lemonn..ya ampuunn tak kuasaa..tapi tulah kena ada plan B, C..dan
seterusnya juga..

anyway sayaaangg sangat sebenonya chevyy hambe inihh kalu tak disebabkan hati tu teringin nak gi oversea takda nye hamba nak let goo my beloved chevyy ni..hambe ni jenis mudah bersyukur dgn apa yg ada, walau kekadang terliur gok tengok BMW
org kan kan kan..tetapi kesat balik jer air liur tu..tak ade maknenyerr kalu asyik berhutang sampai akhir hayat,lainla kalu beli cash..hehe pict kat sebelah ni kalau balik terengganu, kat sini la anak-anak hambe melepak dan tidur dgn selesanya sepnjg perjalanan,siap ada bantal tilam lagi...(abaikan kayu golf tu yee,gambo org, terpinjam...)

yg paling best aircond dia dan dlm perjalanan tu kalau speed to 120km/h pun smooth jer cam takde apa2 berlaku,(anyway patuhi had laju ye),satu lagi bab airconditioner chevy nabira memang best saanggaattt tak terkata huhh..tu la yg anak2 hambe tido cam lupa dunia tu nyamanjer..nak nak kalau kat sit belakang, nihaa lubang aircond 2 lagii.. 

so in case dah terjual tu, this is the memories of it:-
p/s:best lakk cakap hambe hambe ni,,sedar sket diri ni hamba Allah..:-)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
hujan di shah alam
Alhamdulillah , segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semester alam, yg telah menurunkan hujan di shah alam hari ni.selepas sahaja berkemundang azan zuhur,brruuuu hujan turun Alhamdulillah,sejuk bumi shah alam hari ni.lama dah tak hujan, panas memanjang, nak bersungut tak baik, sebab nanti hujan memanjang, tanya bila nak panas, baju basuh tak kering, kalau sebaliknya, sakit kepala la, demam la..kesimpulannya sendiri mau ingat, semua kejadian Allah ada hikmahnya, selalu panas ke selalu hujan ke..kan ke belajar fizik, faktor keseimbangan tu penting..bila dah lama hujjaaannn, kena lamaaa pulak panas..baru kita kata equilibrium has achieved..balance dengan kata ringkasnya..sekian , lecture fizik hari ni..
things to do today
there are several things to be settled today, consists of:-
1- call ILQAM about my missing cert of research methodology course.
2-ask the scholarship dep whether i need to give them photocopy of the cert
3- if it is not necessary then i don't have to ask ILQAM to reprint it for me(maybe they already have the record)
so today i have to check this 3 things together with finding more journals on EC since this is the confirm research until now, better i focus on it regardless of other research which i prefer - microresonator.
i have to be frank to myself, i don't have much choices, i only have rmit now, and still waiting for DCU, which i guess could be positive or also negative. Its my MSc results which was not that strong that could support me to be accepted by any uni that i like the most. My MSc result was only at the border, luckily i passed, of course with some supports by my former s/v and lecturers..thankyou very much to them..
so now i got this opportunity that i shouldn't take for granted, so i have to think hard this week..whether i still want to wait for a respond from other uni (which my confident level is only about 60% positive) or proceed with rmit now, or maybe wait until the end of this week then next week decide... think,think,think
1- call ILQAM about my missing cert of research methodology course.
2-ask the scholarship dep whether i need to give them photocopy of the cert
3- if it is not necessary then i don't have to ask ILQAM to reprint it for me(maybe they already have the record)
so today i have to check this 3 things together with finding more journals on EC since this is the confirm research until now, better i focus on it regardless of other research which i prefer - microresonator.
i have to be frank to myself, i don't have much choices, i only have rmit now, and still waiting for DCU, which i guess could be positive or also negative. Its my MSc results which was not that strong that could support me to be accepted by any uni that i like the most. My MSc result was only at the border, luckily i passed, of course with some supports by my former s/v and lecturers..thankyou very much to them..
so now i got this opportunity that i shouldn't take for granted, so i have to think hard this week..whether i still want to wait for a respond from other uni (which my confident level is only about 60% positive) or proceed with rmit now, or maybe wait until the end of this week then next week decide... think,think,think
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
kuota scholarship-oversea
baru je pergi ke jabatan biasiswa tadi, ingat nak hantar permohonan surat mohon tukar tempat tapi dapat berita lain pula, kena cepat bagi offer letter supaya dapat siapkan budget untuk kita..sekarang kpt budget dah habis..haaaa alamak terkejutnya..dah habis..mak ooiii..yg tinggal sekarang budget uni kena cepat takut yg budget uni habis, melepas, takleh gi over the sea, jawab nya buat under the sea..heh heh heh..sengeh sorang sorang buat local je laaa
angan -angan tinggi mengggunung..sampai satu tahap dah campur dengan perasaan tamak haloba pun ada gak siket siket..hehe, moral of the story, don't judge the book by its cover, saloh salohh, beringat sebelum terlambat, rezeki jangan ditolak, maut jangan di cari...okay tak?? okay la tiuww.
angan -angan tinggi mengggunung..sampai satu tahap dah campur dengan perasaan tamak haloba pun ada gak siket siket..hehe, moral of the story, don't judge the book by its cover, saloh salohh, beringat sebelum terlambat, rezeki jangan ditolak, maut jangan di cari...okay tak?? okay la tiuww.
Monday, May 11, 2009
rmit - melbourne -offer

dah dapat offer dari rmit melbourne australia, bidangnya electrochromic device dgn professor michael austin..tengok website rmit tadi cam okay juga, view cantik, ni kat sebelah ni gambar rmit city, dari my sis, kakda said melbourne is a nice place to stay, neighbours also gave positive feedbacks, such as, halal food easy to get, nice fact my dean said it is a nice place and also among the highly research potential centre in australia..
well okay, i will keep in mind about that, but still waiting for ireland..what i am afraid of right now is that my fs/v-prof mike austin , he is not a kind of person who respond immediately to my email, don't know why, maybe very busy, didnot check the email account at all, orr i feel quite hesitate and in doubt he going to be around when i need him or he will be just like biskut jap ada jap tak ada..
sofiya exam

my first sweet daughter have an exam this week, i am not really sure what kind of exam she has, maybe something like midterm exam since this month is almost at the middle of this year..even though we are going abroad, i feel like its my duty to make sure that she will get a good result on this exam, no matter what..the most weakest subject is maths and such a fight to make her focus on her study last weekend, and of course i scolded her a lot at that time..hiiissshhhh..what to dooo..anyway pray to Allah for the best, the most important thing is that we have try our 'best' to study with her and show her that we care about her education..
well today she has BM and Maths exams, tomorrow, English and Science, followed by PI and Arabic, and on the last day Arts and ...emmh forgot laa..
the teachers at SKRaja Muda seems to do their jobs very well, organised all the subjects according to the toughness and couple it with the consider as not-as-tough-as the tough subject : like BM with Math, English with Science..etc
Insya Allah, Ya Allah please help my daughter with her examination , show her the way, give her a bright mind to answer all the exam questions, especially today, MATH' EXAMSS..amin
Friday, May 8, 2009
canada oh canada

alamak sedih lagi la rasa di hati..tak dapat ku melupakan mu
(tengoklah gambar UoA,edmonton, canada kat sebelah ni)
canada oh canada..tak ada rezekiku rupanya untuk menikmati keindahan dan kecanggihan cleanroom mu yg sungguh advance itu...
camne nak mengubat hati yg frust ini...zuuupppp tak adala frust sangat:tapi frustla jugokk,kenapa frust, berikut disenaraikan kenapa frust melanda jiwaku ini:-
1- UoA ni antara 100 world best uni in research
2- sebab cleanroom nya yg sungguh menawan yg paling frust sekali..
3- future s/v aku tu professor..bukan senang nak dapat oooo
4- sebab research yg fs/v ku purpose ni memang saling tak tumpah sesungguhnya amat menepati kehendak kepala otak ku ini yg sedang gilakan sc LED
5- husband kata org muslim paling ramai di dunia adalah di eropah dan amerika utara..tu rasanya termasuklah kot canada ni...
6- canada ni musim panas pun sejuk, musim sejuk, subhanallah tak terkira sejuknya..anak anak aku ni sume anak elok sgtla duduk kat negara sejuk ni,mesti sesuai dgn jiwa diorg..kempunanlaa anak anak aku nak main sallejii..eii jakunnya,cam best sgt main sallejji tu..elehh..(buat sedap hati sendiri)
7- husband kata canada antara tempat yg paling best didiami..mana dia tau WallahhuAllam, alaaa buat sedih balik jee..dah laa malas la nak tambah list lg, cukup cukup menyedihkan dah nihh..
sukan sofina
esok sofina ada hari sukan...
semua orang kena bersiap awal-awal
nak pergi tengok ina sukan
tak boleh lepak lebih-lebih pagi esok
lepas sukan pergi tuition english
ni saja nak set mind bahawa esok bukan hari lepak sepenuhnya seperti biasa..nampak tadi kat tadika dia sedang practice pakai skirt rambu ba..habis la esok masakk anak aku..musim panasni, so esok kena bawa...
- topi muhammad
-tikar tempat duduk
-payung semestinya..kalau boleh ada kanopi nak angkut sekali..
-air minuman dan kudap kudapan..
........selamat bersukan inaa
Thursday, May 7, 2009
got an email from grad admissions of UoA, my application was rejected, huhu sedihh..kempunan nak guna cleanroom diaorang..jeless nya kat diorg tu sumee..miss sarah derr tu kata dah penuh sebab yg lain lagi high qualified, barulahh sedar diri sikit, rupanya diri sendiri qualified qualified tapi tak ada "high" kat depan..yelahh diorang punya standard mesti high high, uni glamour 100 world ranking lah katakan..berita sedih di pagi hari..tak apa Tie, go to plan B..tune your mind now.., remember Allah knows better.
so canada - get it out from my list..dear sisters and brothers, tak merasalaa nak holiday kat canada ..yee ..
so canada - get it out from my list..dear sisters and brothers, tak merasalaa nak holiday kat canada ..yee ..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
my house-my beloved home
last night the family who interested to rent my house came to look around..well the feedback is positive of course, the husband, Hj.looked so excited and the wife, Kak L like..already thinking to arrange all the furnitures in my house..they both are very nice person..i hope they'll like it and our problem will be solved..soo much to think off right now..don't know where to start...they will confirm back not later than next week..
i am thinking to remove some of the furnitures to my brother's house at BAnting, he just move in, another two rooms in his house is still empty, so that's the plan, called him and he agreed, solve another sub-problem,... thank you Col and Ct..luv you two !!
as a result, Kak L will be free to move in her furnitures that as been informed quite a lot too..anyway, Allah AlMighty always with us in this journey, Allah always show us the way, Alhamdulillah and send this two nice persons to us.. hope for the best ,..aminn
i am thinking to remove some of the furnitures to my brother's house at BAnting, he just move in, another two rooms in his house is still empty, so that's the plan, called him and he agreed, solve another sub-problem,... thank you Col and Ct..luv you two !!
as a result, Kak L will be free to move in her furnitures that as been informed quite a lot too..anyway, Allah AlMighty always with us in this journey, Allah always show us the way, Alhamdulillah and send this two nice persons to us.. hope for the best ,..aminn
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
my beloved nabira and my beloved home
today, one indian man want to look at our for-sale-chevy nabira..and also one of our neighbour interested to rent our house and also want to look at it today, 6.30..pray to Allah for the best and hopefully if they agree to rent our house , they will take care of my beloved home as their own house...Insya Allah..
prof canada-respond
Professor canada dah respond email aku tapi masih dalam pertimbangan lagi..maybe dia mesti nak tengok keupayaan aku dalam research ni ok ke tak..heee takut..macamana kalau tak diterima..well go to plan B, C,D..wahh banyak betul back up plan..anyway hope for the best and Allah knows better..remember that..
Monday, May 4, 2009
canada-phd-UoA_proposal ??
wooww..really, i am so impressed with many journals have been young but yet he is a professor...and the research area is soo attached to my interest..seriouslyy i need to go there..while looking at their cleanroom website called ' nanofab lab' my mouth like...ngangaa wa cakap luu..i wish i can go there...please Ya Allah..adalah rezeki ke sana.. i should grab this opportunity..still waiting for an offer from them...nervous.panick..excited..heh proposal???which one to do..where to start..have to settle it before 21st may 09..BTN at that ..fuhhh
kursus BTN2
today i got a phone call saying that the BTN course for 7th may - 11th may 09 is cancelled because not enough it was postponed to 21st may - 25th may 09...well its good cause i can focus on my daughter's school exam that will be started on 11th may to 15th may...
Alhamdulillah ..syukur,.
Alhamdulillah ..syukur,.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
kursus BTN
i have received a letter from JpBSM UitM to go to BTN course on 7th may to 11th may...eii takut, kena masuk hutan ke? kena gayut-gayut tali ke? addooii tak biasa and tak suka okayy!!tapi nak buat je lah..wajib tu..yg menurut perintah..
tune my positive mind please!!..this is a course that will upgrade your confident level to the higher stage and you can meet more new friends, who knows some of them might go to the same uni as yours..then you will have "geng" at oversea,
and also you can use this time to do a lot of thinking about your future phd study, your family, your marriage, your family, your parents, bla,bla, make it short..muhasabah diri sendiri before going to my phd warrr...
just go for it and pray for the best..Insya Allah...
tune my positive mind please!!..this is a course that will upgrade your confident level to the higher stage and you can meet more new friends, who knows some of them might go to the same uni as yours..then you will have "geng" at oversea,
and also you can use this time to do a lot of thinking about your future phd study, your family, your marriage, your family, your parents, bla,bla, make it short..muhasabah diri sendiri before going to my phd warrr...
just go for it and pray for the best..Insya Allah...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
offers coming.. offered under electrochromic device...with Professor but rarely respond to my emails..
NZ offered under ME first then proceed with PhD ...this on NW transistor..with Dr..very supportive and far..
waiting for...UoA ... quite interesting topic..on SC device..with professor..not in contact with him for quite some times..
waiting for DCU..microresonators..amplification..have done some study on this..quite good..with Dr ..japanese a quick email respond everytime...
well..the status of me now..waiting..thinking..waiting..thinking..waiting..thinking....
NZ offered under ME first then proceed with PhD ...this on NW transistor..with Dr..very supportive and far..
waiting for...UoA ... quite interesting topic..on SC device..with professor..not in contact with him for quite some times..
waiting for DCU..microresonators..amplification..have done some study on this..quite good..with Dr ..japanese a quick email respond everytime...
well..the status of me now..waiting..thinking..waiting..thinking..waiting..thinking....
Friday, May 1, 2009
this is the keyword for one of the proposed phd study of mine...this one was suggested by Dr takeyuki Kobayashi from DCU, Ireland..right now i still have to wait for the offer..hopefully i will get one..!!hehe quite nervous when thinking of it..anyway at least i already have one back up plan, sorry to say that but the field not that attracted to me..but i still need to consider it as other offer is not coming the way yet..don't be to confident and greedy GRATEFULL!!..Alhamdulillah...
so..about this microresonator thing. i feel glad cause last night i got a chance to surf for this topic and i found something that really triggered me into this thing..what i can say now is that it is so much related to the optical and memory storage industries maybe..and one of the article wrote about this microresonator which had been use in MEMs..frankly speaking..i am still quite blurr about this but i have to dig, dig,dig more and try to digest all that before i can start my phd study..Ya Allah elp me in this , give me your guidance and strength and please make my phd journey as easy as possible..Aminn
so..about this microresonator thing. i feel glad cause last night i got a chance to surf for this topic and i found something that really triggered me into this thing..what i can say now is that it is so much related to the optical and memory storage industries maybe..and one of the article wrote about this microresonator which had been use in MEMs..frankly speaking..i am still quite blurr about this but i have to dig, dig,dig more and try to digest all that before i can start my phd study..Ya Allah elp me in this , give me your guidance and strength and please make my phd journey as easy as possible..Aminn
w1 max- beessstt
tini came to my house yesterday, stay for about 2 days..she brought her w1-max together to give me a chance to try it on..well..what can i say..itss rreeaallly ggooddd..babe..faster than ever..i checked my email account just now ..2 new emails, one from sarah derr and another one.i am not sure..but i couldnot open itt!!! eehhh pisst me off..
other things i can do but couldnot open the email..
other things i can do but couldnot open the email..
internet now is a necessity..
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