There are cherry plum, pear and some other trees which couldnot be named by us even though we are the people who live here now, wait until we invite our friends here who use to come at this house last years for fruit picking. They know better about what kind of fruits produced by all the trees at our backyard.
This is the picture of one of the nearest tree taken from the room at the back of the house someday around august 2009, the time we just arrived here at melbourne.It was winter at the time:-
Now,its summer, and this is the same tree, well actually also all other trees, the fruits are all over them, its all reaady to eat..!!
so what else to do this weekend, my husband did some check-up and ask the children to joint him for the fruit picking processes..they really help him out on that though..
seing is believing!!
what an experience..they really enjoy themselves..that's important!!
well the weather is not really hot YET..its getting there..the night is shorter, the day is longer..
solat subuh is around 4am started, maghrib is around 8.40pm and isyak is around 10.15pm..this is also another new experience for us.
hopefully we can face the real summer in full patience, cause according to friends here, its going to be hotter than last year, when the heat wave occured, maybe the temperature might reach until 45oC to 47oC, us Allah to be strong and do protect us in this kind of heat..amiin.
1 comment:
budak2 tu kan hantu buah... heh... nanti feb insya Allah noor pergi tu summer eh? apa best summer? selain kepanasan and sunburnt?? hehehe...
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